Featured Travel

The Mental Escape to Savannah, Georgia

An Ugly Place

The world is such an ugly place right now.

Furthermore, it’s crazy because it seems that, all at once, the circumstances surrounding how we co-exist in this world have been turned upside down.

Collectively, we’re hit with blows that unearth anxieties and racial unrest we try to ignore. Sufficed to say, we’re at a dark time in our nations history. As a country, we weather this storm with an acute lack of palpable leadership.

We’re living in a time where police officers are emboldened to take a Black life with absolutely no regard.

By now, Gregory Floyd’s execution is permanently seared into the brain and hearts of millions. A handcuffed man lying on his stomach cries for help. He pleads for breath.

Ultimately, Gregory Floyd’s cries go unheard by the cowardly cop who firmly plants his knee on Floyd’s neck.

I’m not sure what is more maddening. Seeing a life taken right before my very eyes or the cavalier look of a man sworn to protect and serve taking a man’s last breath.

Oh yeah, and let’s not forget to throw another layer of racism in there with the Central Park Karen’s of the world who weaponize white tears.

Mental self care from the plethora of issues that plague society means that I need a change of scenery. I need to get out. An escape is the fuel I need to keep things together.

The Savannah, GA Mental Escape

Relaxing on a Beach in Tybee Island, GA

My friend suggests a weekend in Savannah, GA and I’m all for it. Yes, I know with COVID-19 wreaking havoc in these streets, air travel right now, is not recommended. But guess what?

I need a mental reprieve and that means leaving the familiar. As I type this post now, I have no regrets. My trip to Savannah gives me time to decompress and realign myself with the fortitude I need to forge ahead with this experience we call life.

Things to do in Savannah, GA

There are so many things to do in Savannah. But, as my time is limited, I’m going to eat and hit the beach. I wasn’t aware that Savannah is home to a beach town, but it is.

A trip to Tybee Island, GA gave me South Beach feels without the South Beach Miami expense.

I take a few hours and lay on the beach with a generous cup of Casamigo Anejos Tequila and I let go of all anxiety, while gazing over the serene waters of Georgia.

Savannah and the Voices of Ancestry

I couldn’t explain the feeling, but every night I walked the city streets of Savannah, there is a sensibility that connects me with New Orleans. I look at the homes full of character. The soulful residents that bless us with their artistry and think, “Why does this remind me so much of Louisiana?”

It’s the Blackness. While my wording may come off as crude, I apologize, but that’s really how I feel. Like New Orleans, while I explore the tapestry that makes Savannah the city it is, there is an undeniable voice of Blackness that serenades me.

Savannah is full of history. The narrative of Savannah is defined and bolstered by the West African slave trade that provided the labor necessary to establish Savannah as a viable colony. So, as I walk the streets of Savannah and I feel a pull that reminds me of New Orleans, it is the undeniable voices of my ancestors that I recognize. I’m connected with Savannah through my lineage as a Haitian, African-American woman.

The Mental Escape

I took two days – a mere two days of mental escape to Savannah. During this time, I practiced self-care. I read an inspirational book by Edward Hennings. Walked the scenic Savannah streets. I gave love and allowed myself to receive love. It was my time to forget about the ugliness of the times we live in and reconnect with humanity.

Take care of your self friends. Mind, body and soul.

Blissfully Single and Yours,

